Gold Leaf Watercolour Resist Backgrounds

Heres some more backgrounds I made using the gold leaf resist technique.

These are very easy to do, you need a gold or metallic leafing pen such as Krylon.

Onto your card stock make patterns with your gold leaf pen, you can doodle or just add squiggles – its up to you. You can even use droplets from the pen by removing the nib and dropping the ink direct from the pen onto the card.

Once the gold leafing has dried, take a paint brush dipped into a watercolour type paint and just wash over the entire card in different colours. The gold leaf acts as a kinda resist which makes cool background effects.

Heres the Gold Leafing Backgrounds before I added a watercolour wash to them:

Gold Leaf Watercolour Resist - before

Gold Leaf Watercolour Resist - before

Heres the backgrounds after I did the watercolour washes:

Gold Leaf Watercolour Resist - afterGold Leaf Watercolour Resist - after

Gold Leaf Watercolour Resist - afterGold Leaf Watercolour Resist - after

Gold Leaf Watercolour Resist - afterGold Leaf Watercolour Resist - after

Gold Leaf Watercolour Resist - afterGold Leaf Watercolour Resist - after

4 thoughts on “Gold Leaf Watercolour Resist Backgrounds

  1. These are cool! I never noticed that the pens could be used that way. You are always coming up with different ways to do art! I will give it a try.

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